4201-R Sick Leave Bank

  • The Return to Work Committee will use the following rules and regulations in administering the Sick Leave Bank:
    • Employees of Campbell County School District, who earn sick leave, are eligible to enroll in the sick leave bank by donating eight (8) hours of their sick leave.
    • Members of the bank need not contribute one day each year.  After the initial contribution, additional days will only be withdrawn from bank members' accumulated days when the total number of days in the bank falls below 100.  This will be done annually in October.
    • Those who wish to join the bank must do so between September 1 and October 15.
    • Donated sick leave days will be forfeited by the contributing employee. The donated days will not revert back to the employee, should the employee choose to discontinue membership, or be denied continued membership because of failure to contribute additional days in the Sick Leave Bank. The days in the Sick Leave Bank will be cumulative from year to year.
    • The bank is for their spouse's, child's or their catastrophe only. (Catastrophe: A sudden calamity; a great misfortune - please also see #6 below). Only members of the Sick Leave Bank may apply to use days from the bank. 
    • The committee may require a healthcare provider's letter verifying a catastrophic situation. 
    • Members are eligible to apply for Sick Leave Bank days (8 hour equivalent) equal to the number of days she/he had available to them when the catastrophe occurred. These days recommended by the Return to Work Committee would not require repayment to the Sick Leave Bank.  Additional days beyond this would be determined by the Return to Work Committee.
    • If additional days are needed the member may reapply for additional days. The days, if approved at this level, would have to be repaid at the rate of two days (8 hours) per year.
    • The maximum number of days that an employee may utilize will be the number that it takes for them to reach Short Term Disability if for themselves, or the number of days at the start of the current contract period if for their spouse or child. Days granted by the Return to Work Committee will be through the conclusion of the school year, or the employee's current contract period.
    • Sick Leave Bank benefits are applicable for the duration of the employee's continuous employment.
    • Sick Leave Bank days may not be drawn until the employee has utilized all days available to the employee; i.e. sick leave, convenience leave, vacation leave, comp time, etc.
    • Requests to use days from the Sick Leave Bank should be made to the Human Resources Department.  All requests must be submitted in written form at the earliest possible time.  In an emergency, requests may be made verbally but must be followed by a written request at the earliest possible time.  An employee's request must include the number of days desired from the bank.  The number of days cannot extend past the current school year.  All records for requests will be kept in the Human Resources Department.
    • For the purpose of this regulation the term day or days shall refer to eight (8) hours of employment.
    • The role of the Return to Work Committee is to allow or disallow the request of the employee based upon the above rules and regulations.
    ADOPTION DATE: September 28, 1998; Revised August 23, 1999; Reviewed December 12, 2006; Revised May 12, 2015; Revised January 24, 2023