
  • Impetigo


    Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection which begins as a scratch or superficial lesion.  It starts as discolored spots of various sizes and shapes followed by the formation of small blisters which break open.  The fluid that drains from the blisters spreads the infection to the area surrounding the sore.  The infection is spread by touching the sores or the fluid.  These sores form yellow and honey colored crusts and scabs and tissue around the sores is red. 


    1.      Cleanse affected area with soap and water.

    2.      Cover lesions with bandages or gauze.

    3.      Wash hands frequently and thoroughly.

    4.      Consult with health care provider for care and treatment. Treatment may include antibiotics taken by mouth for large areas and antibiotic ointment for small areas.

    5.      Follow treatment directed by health care provider



    Students will be excluded at the end of the school day and may be allowed to return after starting treatment.  School nurse may request that lesions be covered if potential for exposure to lesions exist.