Pink Eye (conjunctivitis)

  • Pink Eye (conjunctivitis)


    Bacterial Conjunctivitis               

    -          Usually starts in one eye

    -          The eye is red.

    -          The drainage is yellow or green.

    -          Swollen and painful

    -          Treated with antibiotics

    -          Wash drainage from eyes before eye drops are given.


    Viral Conjunctivitis                      

    -          Usually associated with a cold

    -          The eye or eyes are red.

    -          There may be a small amount of light cream colored discharge.

    -          May be slightly swollen


    Allergy or Irritated                      

    -          This does not include a chemical splash or injury but is often the result of smog or dirt.

    -          There may be a small amount of light cream colored discharge.

    -          Itchy and scratchy

    -          Allergy medication may improve symptoms.

    -          Wash the pollen or irritant out of the eyes.



    Care of Pink Eye

                Wash hands thoroughly and frequently.

                Avoid touching face.

                Administer medications as prescribed by doctor.

                Avoid sharing wash clothes and towels.

                Apply cool damp cloth to affected eye for comfort .





    School nurse may exclude student from school until treated by doctor if concerned about communicability and/or the ability to contain infection.