Ring Worm

  • Ringworm


    Ringworm is a fungal infection, not a worm, that can appear on the body, scalp or feet.  The lesions/rash are flat and can be ring shaped.  The outside of the area is reddish.  The sores are usually dry and scaly but can be pus filled, dry, scaly, moist or crusted.  Ringworm is infectious and will spread if left untreated. 




    1.   Shower using soap and warm water.

    2.     Avoid scratching affected area.

    3.     Apply a topical fungicide such as Tinactin or Mycotin, which can be purchased over the counter at any drug or grocery store. Use as directed by doctor or per product instructions.  It it critical that the fungicide be used as directed or the ring worm lesions will not heal and may continue to spread.

    4.     Call your vet for instructions to treat household pets.

    5.     Wash all towels and bedding with hot water.  Dry on hot cycle.

    6.     Do not share towels or washcloths.

    7.     Wash hands thoroughly after coming in contact with ring worm lesions and after topical fungicide application. 

    8.     Cover all lesions with bandage or gauze.




    Students will be excluded from school at the end of the day and will be allowed to return after treatment is started.