5132-R Student Appearance

  • Clothing that is revealing or distracting will not be permitted at school or school activities. Students are to conform to the following guidelines concerning appropriate dress and grooming.


    1.    Students may be outside during cold weather.  Parents and students are encouraged to keep informed about the weather and forecasted weather and dress students appropriately. Boots, gloves, hats, and coats help your student to be more comfortable. Appropriate footwear should be worn in wet or snowy weather.

    2.    All clothing is to be worn according to the way it is designed.

    3.    Students may not wear, as outer dress, the following:

    -        Midriffs - any shirt that allows the exposure of the midsection during normal school activities.

    -        Sleeveless undershirts - tank tops, tube tops, etc.

    -        See-through clothing.

    -        Shirts showing bare shoulders and/or backs.

    4.    Visible undergarments are not permitted.

    5.    Clothing with obscene or violent statements, designs, double messages, and advertisements for drugs/alcohol or tobacco will not be permitted.

    6.    Short shorts and mini-skirts will not be permitted. Skirts must extend to within three inches of the top of the kneecap as a guide. Shorts must extend to within four inches of the top of the kneecap as a guide.

    7.    Hats and caps are not to be worn in the building during normal school hours.

    8.    Gang-related clothing or styles of grooming, may vary from school to school, and may change from year to year. Therefore, it may be necessary, at some point in time to prohibit the wearing of certain items of apparel and certain styles of grooming not limited to specific hair styles, colors, logos, manufacturer brand names, etc..  The purpose of prohibiting these items of apparel or styles of grooming is to prevent identifying students as gang members and to prevent non-gang members from being mistakenly victimized.

    9.    Neat, clean, and well-groomed facial hair will be permitted.

    10. Shoes, boots, and other appropriate footwear are to be worn at all times.

    11. Articles of clothing that cause undue school maintenance problems will not be permitted.

    12. Cleanliness of body and clothing is required.

    13. Students are not to wear their clothing or hair in such a style or manner that could be hazardous to them in their various school activities such as shop, laboratories, athletics, physical education, art, etc. Instructors in these areas are to set specific dress and grooming regulations for the safety and health of the participants and to assure that disruption of the learning process does not occur. Activity sponsors may establish dress codes for activities. Any such regulations drawn up by instructors or sponsors must be approved by the principal before they can be enforced.

    14. Clothing must be in good repair - free from holes, cut-outs, or torn seams.

    15. This regulation applies to students at all school-sponsored activities unless the principal approves a change.


    Schools may adjust these guidelines to be age appropriate at the school level.  Students will only be allowed to wear clothing outside of the student appearance regulation during Incentive Days as designated by the school principal as a reward and motivation for the students. Incentive Days will be available as a school reward for various reasons and celebrations. The principal has the discretion to modify the student appearance regulation on incentive days.

    If a student is in violation of these provisions, the principal or designee shall request the student to make the appropriate correction.  If the student refuses, the parent/guardian may be notified and asked to make the necessary correction.  The principal shall take appropriate corrective and disciplinary action.


    Note: School activities participants dress standards are governed by the Wyoming High School Activities Association and national program regulations.

    ADOPTION DATE: May 10, 1988, revised May 26, 1998; Major Revision June 14, 2011