4195 Leave Of Absence

  • Non-Administrative Certified & Licensed Professional Employees

    Any non-administrative certified employee who has been successfully employed in the District for at least three years may be granted up to a one-year leave of absence for good and just reason as determined by the Board of Trustees.

    No more than 5% of the employees in this classification may be granted leave during any given year. Applications must be made to the Human Resources Manager by March 1 for leave during the ensuing year. The Board reserves the right to designate which employees may have leave and to make exceptions.

    No employee granted a full year leave of absence for a full contract year will be guaranteed a position for the following year.

    A returning employee granted a leave of absence will retain all benefits earned prior to his or her leave but will not receive benefits or be granted additional benefits for the time of approved leave. Insurance premiums will be the responsibility of the employee on leave.

    Employees on a leave of absence will need to inform the Human Resources Manager on or before March 1 of the year they are on leave if they plan to return the following year.


    Administrators and Educational Support Personnel

    Requests for full-year leaves of absence from administrators and educational support personnel will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applications must be submitted to immediate supervisors in a timely manner and will be subject to approval by the Superintendent before being forwarded to the Board. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 above will apply.


    This policy is not intended for use in situations covered by Policy 4220, Medical Leave of Absence, or Policy 4208, Family Leave.

    ADOPTION DATE: March 25, 1975; Revised April 23, 1991; October 25, 1993;February 27, 1995; February 12, 1996; January 23, 2001; Reviewed November 14, 2006; Revised May 12, 2015; Minor revisions December 13, 2022




    CROSS REFERENCE(S): 4220 , 4208